Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Second Quarter Results

Well, it is a couple of weeks past the end of the second quarter, but things have been a bit busy. So, even though it is a little late, I am taking another look at how I'm doing on my New Year's Resolutions. Here goes:

1. I will share more photos and documents, both online and with my cousins. I’ve received alot of photos from older relatives, and I want to share the wealth. I've continued to do pretty well with the online piece of this. I've posted alot of photos and documents to my blog, and I will continue to do so. I did make copies of some photos and sent them to a cousin. But I've got lots of photos and lots of cousins, so I can definitely do more.

2. I will catch up with my filing and data entry. I know if I do this it will help me with my research. I’m sure I have some fascinating discoveries in those piles! Ha ha! It still sounds like a good idea, but I have very little progress to report.

3. I will write more. I will continue to write for my blog and for local genealogical society quarterlies. I will also submit writing to other genealogy publications. I enjoy writing and I will do more of it in 2009. I've fallen off alot on the writing in the last quarter. Day jobs do take time away from blogging. But the day job is a good thing too. So, I'll need to use my free time better in the next few months in order to fit in writing, which is something I really enjoy.

And here are a few more of my resolutions, by surname:

4. Bestick. For 2009, I will focus on my collateral lines, including John and Robert Bestick, who were possible siblings of my ancestor Timothy. I will also focus on discovering which Bestick played baseball in Brooklyn in 1872. I still haven't done much on this resolution. I hope to focus on the Besticks more during the next few months.

5. Whelan. I will concentrate on the Chicago Whelans, both mine and unrelated ones. I will continue to analyze, summarize and publish the data that I have collected. I hope to eventually document the Irish origins of the Whelans who settled in Chicago in the 1800s. I've continued to do well on this resolution! I have continued posting transcripts of documents from the Whelan pension file. But I have other Whelan info, and so I hope to fit some of the other documents in during the next few months. I still have additional work to do on my Whelans and the other Chicago Whelans.

6. Skrabulis. I will share more of the bits of information that I've collected on my Skrabulis ancestors and related lines. I hope to make more connections and keep in touch with cousins that I have. I've posted a few more photos of my ancestors and relatives on the Skrabulis side. I definitely hope to do more in the next few months.

So, overall, I've made some progress on my resolutions during the last 3 months. I hope I can continue to make progress during the rest of 2009.